10 Funny Things That Come in Fours

The number four holds a special place in our world. From the four seasons to the four cardinal directions, it’s a number ingrained in our perception. But beyond its practicality, foursomes can also be a source of amusement. Here’s a look at ten funny things that come in sets of four:

1. Socks (The Mystery of the Missing One):

We all know the struggle. You buy a fresh pack of socks, only to find yourself perpetually short one. Where do they go? The Bermuda Triangle of laundry? This universal frustration has spawned countless jokes and memes, solidifying the four-sock pack as a source of amusement (and mild annoyance).

2. Food Chains (The Cycle of “Just One More”):

Who can resist the allure of a four-piece chicken nugget or a “shareable” order of fries that mysteriously disappears before anyone else gets a chance? The concept of portion sizes seems to take a backseat when presented in fours, leading to the humorous (and slightly concerning) overindulgence we all know too well.

3. Reality TV Personalities (The Chaotic Quartets):

From the bickering roommates in sitcoms to the outrageous cast dynamics in reality shows, groups of four often provide the perfect recipe for comedic conflict. Their clashing personalities, dramatic confrontations, and the sheer absurdity of their situations create moments that leave us both laughing and questioning their sanity.

4. Celebrity Doppelgangers (The Quadruple Trouble):

Imagine encountering not one, but four people who look eerily similar to a famous celebrity. This bizarre phenomenon has become internet fodder, with hilarious compilations and social media challenges dedicated to these uncanny resemblances.

5. Animal Antics (The Four-Legged Follies):

Animals, especially in groups, can be a constant source of entertainment. From the synchronized waddling of penguins to the playful wrestling of puppies, their natural clumsiness and unpredictable behaviour often lead to laugh-out-loud moments.

6. Wardrobe Malfunctions (The Public Display of Oops):

A misplaced button, an unexpected gust of wind, or simply the laws of physics can sometimes lead to wardrobe malfunctions that, while unfortunate for the individual involved, become unintentionally funny for the rest. The sight of someone scrambling to fix a clothing mishap in public never fails to elicit a chuckle (as long as the situation isn’t serious).

7. Emoji Fails (The Misunderstood Message):

Emojis are a quick and convenient way to express ourselves, but the potential for misinterpretation is high. Stringing four emojis together can sometimes lead to hilariously nonsensical messages, creating a new level of communication… or rather, miscommunication.

8. DIY Disasters (The Four Steps to Funny Failure):

DIY projects often promise a sense of accomplishment, but the reality can be far more comical. With four mismatched tools, questionable instructions, and a dash of overconfidence, even the simplest task can morph into a slapstick routine guaranteed to bring a smile.

9. Group Costumes (The More the Merrier, The More Chaotic):

Group costumes are a fun tradition, but coordinating four different personalities and outfit ideas can be a recipe for laughter. From mismatched themes to costume malfunctions, the attempt to create a cohesive group look often leads to hilarious mishaps.

10. Pranks (The Quadruple Threat):

A well-executed prank, especially one involving four people, can be the source of side-splitting amusement. The elaborate setup, the unexpected execution, and the surprised reactions of the target all contribute to the comedic effect.

FAQs – Funny Things That Come in Fours

What things come in sets of 4?

Our world is teeming with things in fours: seasons, cardinal directions, car tires, deck of cards, and even buttons on controllers!

What are the things that have 4 stages?

Numerous things progress through four distinct stages:

  • Many living things: From egg, larva, pupa, and adult in insects to the embryonic, fetal, newborn, and adult stages in mammals.
  • Certain projects: Planning, execution, revision, and completion.
  • Piaget’s developmental stages: Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages in cognitive development.

What is an example of 4 in nature?

Nature offers numerous examples of fours:

  • Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
  • Cardinal directions: North, South, East, West.


The number four isn’t just about practicality; it’s a gateway to laughter. From the absurdity of everyday situations to the elaborate setups of pranks, groups of four have a knack for creating moments of amusement. So, the next time you encounter a quartet, whether it’s a mismatched set of socks or a group of friends up to no good, remember to keep an eye out for the inherent humour in the situation. After all, a little chuckle can go a long way in brightening your day.

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